The first platform supported by a renowned professional firm
Stay connected with our professionals year-round.
What’s deductible, what documents must be included, when, how. Get clear and precise answers right away, anytime of the year. That’s professional firm quality.
Centralize your receipts and documents in real time.
All you need is a computer, a tablet or a smartphone (free app) to capture and upload every precious receipt to your file, which will make all the difference in the world at the end of the year.
Let our professionals figure it out.
Our professionals get the most out of your specific situation, and electronically transmit your returns… so you can quickly enjoy your refund, if you’re entitled to it.
Maximize your tax return, from the comfort of your home.
Your file takes shape over the course of the months, without having to give it much thought. All calculations to optimize your return are made for you.