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How to take advantage of the tax credit for childcare costs all year?

September 09, 2024
How to take advantage of the tax credit for childcare costs all year?

First of all, it should be noted that advance payments are amounts paid monthly, in advance, following an application to the tax authorities for a tax credit to which you are entitled. You do not have to wait until you file your income tax return to claim your tax credit.

The tax credits in question are:

  • the tax credit relating to the work premium;
  • the tax credit for childcare expenses;
  • the tax credit for home support for seniors;
  • the tax credit for infertility treatment;
  • the tax credit for the restoration of a secondary residence damaged by floods.

The advance payments we want to bring to your attention are those related to the tax credit for childcare expenses. These payments can only be received by direct deposit and are based on your family income.

Main conditions to the tax credit for childcare:

  • Meet the eligibility requirements for the tax credit for childcare expenses;
  • Be the biological or adoptive (legal or de facto) mother or father of a child living with you at the time of the application, or be the spouse of this parent. Note that only one of the two parents can apply for advance payments for the couple;
  • Reside in Quebec at the time you make this application and be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or a person who has been granted refugee protection by Canada;
  • Have a document provided by the person who cares for the child that confirms the childcare fee and the number of days the child in childcare during the year;
  • According to your estimate, you will be entitled, for the year, to an amount exceeding $1,000 as a tax credit for childcare expenses. Note that this condition does not apply if you believe you are also entitled for the same year to a work premium or an adapted work premium of more than $500.

How to apply for advance payments?

  • Either electronically using Revenu Québec’s online service;
  • Or by mail by filling out the Advance Payments of the Tax Credit for Childcare Expenses form.

You have until October 15 of a given year to apply for the advance payment of the tax credit for childcare expenses for that same year. After this date, you have until December 1 to receive your 12 payments for the following year. For applications received after December 1, the amount will be spread over the number of months remaining in the year.


  • If the amount of credit to which you are actually entitled is less than the estimated amount, you will have to pay tax. In other words, you may have to reimburse the overpayment if the amount of the advance payments received is greater than the tax credit for childcare expenses to which you were actually entitled;
  • If one or more of the children covered by your application for advance payments has stopped attending a daycare service or if you or a member of your family has changed status after submitting your application, you must notify Revenu Québec immediately.

RL-19 – Advance Payments of Tax Credits

At the end of the year, Revenu Québec will send you the RL-19, which you must attach to your income tax return. Remember that you can upload your receipts to your portal via your Customer Center.

For more information about advance payments, contact us at 1 844 200-IMPO (4676), our team will be happy to answer your questions.

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